2024 Holmen Area Historical Society Programs
Holmen Area Community Center
600 N. Holmen Dr., Holmen, WI 54636
Facebook Group: Holmen Area Historical Society
Facebook Page (public): Holmen Area Historical Society
Holmen Area Community Center to register for Zoom: holmencc.org
Membership business meetings are the first Monday of each month at 6 p.m., Business meeting followed by program unless otherwise noted.
Programs subject to change
600 N. Holmen Dr., Holmen, WI 54636
Facebook Group: Holmen Area Historical Society
Facebook Page (public): Holmen Area Historical Society
Holmen Area Community Center to register for Zoom: holmencc.org
Membership business meetings are the first Monday of each month at 6 p.m., Business meeting followed by program unless otherwise noted.
Programs subject to change
Monday, November 4: Veteran’s Day: Heroes Next Door: Helping Save the World in 1945 Before his retirement from the La Crosse Public Library, Jeff Rand spearheaded this project to document the service of area veterans. His talk will feature Jim Berg, a 1937 Holmen High School graduate who was killed in action in 1945. Go to the following to see the entire archived project: https://archives.lacrosselibrary.org/local-history/history-repeats/heroes-next-door/
Monday, November 11: Granny Basketball game between the La Crosse Does and the eighth-grade Boys & Girls Club team. The fundraiser to benefit the Holmen Area Community Center and the Dave and Barb Skogen Boys & Girls Club will be played in the Festival Fieldhouse at the Boys and Girls Club located at 600 N. Holmen Drive in Holmen.
Monday, December 2: Holiday Potluck, Share the spirit of the season with a favorite family dish. Music will be provided, of course.
Monday, November 11: Granny Basketball game between the La Crosse Does and the eighth-grade Boys & Girls Club team. The fundraiser to benefit the Holmen Area Community Center and the Dave and Barb Skogen Boys & Girls Club will be played in the Festival Fieldhouse at the Boys and Girls Club located at 600 N. Holmen Drive in Holmen.
Monday, December 2: Holiday Potluck, Share the spirit of the season with a favorite family dish. Music will be provided, of course.